Thursday, December 17, 2009

Merry Christmas from the Blue Boys

Many, many thanks to the 200 folks who showed up at the 2nd annual Old Azul Christmas party last week, it means so much to us.
If you left before 2am, this is what you missed:

So from the bottom of our hearts, the blue boys of 996 Curran Street would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May 2010 be filled with as much, no, more awesomeness than 2009.

For those who didn't receive a copy of the new OA Christmas Album, Ben Jammin is working on posting the entire masterpiece online soon.

Till then, have a safe holiday and try to listen to as much smooth Christmas jazz as possible.

Jdub, Alex, Dwood, Nate, Jack, and Jammin